Our web-based business intelligence tools make it possible for anyone to view your Diagrams globally and our permission-level security will keep your Diagrams in front of the teams you need. As business evolves, so do your teams and with interdisciplinary projects taking place across the world our Diagrams can help teams collaborate effectively anywhere in the world. Keep your key players in the loop and focused on the same tasks, even if they are out of the office or working from home.
Choose from multiple levels of interactivity; have our Diagrams open and editable by all and use them in your day-to-day reporting, or grant access to only those who need it by sharing read-only documents via a unique URL. Not only accessible via our Dashboards and Reporting tools, Diagrams can be downloaded and shared via email or other messenger services.
4D’s Diagrams set the standard for professional chart making and business reporting. Create meaningful visuals and put them in the hands of key decision-makers, customers, and shareholders without involving a data specialist. Our Diagrams can be monitored and amended with up-to-the-second data giving you real-time knowledge of what you are analyzing and presenting. The layouts are customizable, meaning that cross-platform access, editing, and presenting are possible for multiple users and across numerous data points. Simply amend shapes and text using drag and drop editing, seamlessly amend layouts, and export into a variety of formats across multiple platforms.
Our web-based Business Intelligence Tools make it possible for anyone to view your Diagrams globally and our permission-level security will keep your Diagrams in front of the teams you need.
As business evolves, so do your teams and with interdisciplinary projects taking place across the world our Diagrams can help teams collaborate effectively anywhere in the world. Keep your key players in the loop and focused on the same tasks, even if they are out of the office or working from home.
Choose from multiple levels of interactivity; have our Diagrams open and editable by all and use them in your day-to-day reporting, or grant access to only those who need it by sharing read-only documents via a unique URL. Not only accessible via our Dashboards and Reporting tools, Diagrams can be downloaded and shared via email or other messenger services.
Our diagrams let you work in real-time on up-to-the-second data meaning you are fully aware of anything that happens in your business. Bend with market-driven trends or react quicker than the competition to global events that affect your business. The web-based nature of our Diagrams means they can be accessed quickly and viewed ad hoc when reporting or making business decisions. Our Diagrams can be amended by multiple personnel at once making collaboration a daily event and are particularly convenient when working on interdisciplinary projects with teams spread out across the planet. Our Diagrams are one of the best ways to keep your key players on the same wavelength.
With 4D’s Diagrams you can choose the degree of interactivity you want and allow readers and collaborators vastly different levels of access to your Diagrams. From read-only Diagrams to multi-layer, editable, fully interactive Diagrams we have your needs covered. Sharing beautiful, visually stimulating diagrams is as simple as sending a URL and your team’s observations can be shared instantly as soon as the document has landed in front of them. With our Diagrams you and your teams will have access to the metrics that matter most, faster than ever before.
Choose the frequency with which your Diagrams should be refreshed and shared automatically to key personnel and save previous Diagrams automatically, allowing for the simple review of cross generational data. All 4D Diagrams are accessible across a number of devices, with unrestricted and unlimited access from launch. Information can be delivered via Excel, PDF’s and much more, empowering partners, clients and colleagues with expressive, clean visuals on a regular basis.
Diagrams have become essential in our day-to-day work environment, to ensure that your reporting is complete and up to date. The insights gained from our wide range of Business Intelligence Tools will be available in real-time and reviewable as needed. As your data pool grows the information needed must be presented in one place and Diagrams offer a concise way to do this. Amend them and share what is needed. Use 4D’s Diagrams to understand and analyze the data your firm is mining and put the information into beautiful, visually engaging Diagrams to share with clients and colleagues alike.
Diagrams are able to offer a real-time overview of your business activities in an easy-to-digest and meaningful way enabling everyone to understand the role they play and what is needed to push your business forward. Diagrams are shareable, customizable and easy to use. Take advantage of the time you get back rom having 4D handle your data and promote new levels of productivity across your business.
With multiple preloaded Diagram options you can jump straight in as soon as you have launched 4D and start sharing precise Diagrams almost instantly. We have preselected some key KPIs and data points allowing you immediate interaction with our software. Alternatively create your own and show exactly what you want to with our Builder tools that will help guide you through the process. Our Diagrams are fully interactive and have multiple features including zooming, drill down options, filtering and searching.
Connect with your data like never before and have 4D handle the legwork of millions of data points. Our systems are set up and integrated for you allowing you to get to work immediately and with our thorough training manuals you will be up and running in no time. As with all of our Business Intelligence Tools you will have the option of who sees and handles your Diagrams and these Diagrams can be shared and blocked as needed. Using our high-level, enterprise security systems keeping information private and secure is easy. Our software has been built with your security in mind and this allows us to keep you and your clients protected. Your data, in the hands of those who need it faster than ever before.
Don’t just take our word for it. Start your free 14-day trial now and learn what our Business Intelligence Tools can do for you. With the help of our fun and visually stunning Diagrams you won’t view raw data the same way again. Click below and get to work immediately.

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